Spiritual Outreach
Equipping youth workers and teens to be used by God in the lives of others.
The Spiritual Outreach Office exists to provide resources for youth ministers, teachers, volunteers, parents, and teens to enrich their life and the lives of others for Christ. Some of the resources we offer to accomplish these goals include IMPACT, Youth Minister Luncheons and Youth Minister Renewals.
IMPACT is a summer event at Lipscomb designed to provide an atmosphere for teens that enables the development of a personal faith, which will impact their world for Christ.
It began in 1992 with 250 campers, counselors, and adults coming together to worship. The main focus of IMPACT is Christ. Whether it is through prayer, praise, classes, or the messages of the speakers, IMPACT week has been one that teens cherish.
The IMPACT theme is always a mystery till the curtain opens. The theme is developed with varied emphasis on different elements of Christian faith from evangelism and textual studies to spiritual development. As well as classes, speakers and worship, campers will enjoy morning Impact which has become the comic break of the day. There is also the Coffee House where Christian groups perform in an intimate environment and campers can attend at their leisure.
We are excited about the next year of IMPACT and pray that it will be a week that brings glory to Christ and provides special memories for years to come.
Get more details here!
The Office of Spiritual Outreach hosts monthly luncheons designed for area youth ministers. Each month about 30+ youth ministers from Tennessee and surrounding states meet for fellowship, encouragement, and to spend time together in prayer. If you would like more information, call us at 800.333.4358, ext. 6284 or 615.966.6284 or e-mail us at Teresa.Maxwell [at] lipscomb.edu.
The luncheons are typically held in the Allen Arena, Hall of Fame Room on the first Tuesday of each month from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
New dates for the luncheons will be listed once the luncheons resume. If you do not receive our emails and would like to be notified of the lunches, please contact Teresa Maxwell at teresa.maxwell [at] lipscomb.edurel="noopener" target="_blank"
Youth Minister Renewals take place in the fall and spring of each year. They typically take place at a state park and housing is on location in cabins. The Renewals are 3 days and 2 nights for 15-20 youth ministers. If you would like more information please contact us at Teresa.Maxwell [at] lipscomb.edu.