Ryan Jackwood
Institute for Sustainable Practice
Adjunct Faculty
Institute for Sustainable Practice
Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Ryan Jackwood specializes in watershed restoration, biogeochemical processes at the land-water interface and contaminant transport, specifically nutrients and bacteria, in rivers and lakes. He is originally from Ohio where he earned a B.S. degree from Ohio State University and an M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Toledo researching issues with water quality and harmful algal blooms on Lake Erie. During his Ph.D. research, Dr. Jackwood helped design and construct two multi-million dollar river restoration projects – a restored wetland and floodplain. These restored systems mitigate sediment, bacteria, and nutrient runoff from agricultural drainage in a Lake Erie tributary. In March 2019, Dr. Jackwood was hired as the Watershed Science and Restoration Director for the Harpeth Conservancy in Nashville, TN. At the Harpeth Conservancy, he provides strategic direction for the science-based programs and implements restoration priorities based on water quality assessments. In 2020, Dr. Jackwood began serving on the board of the Tennessee Stormwater Association.