Claire Davidson
College of Bible and Ministry, Admin
Program Director of HS Youth Theology Institute
College of Bible and Ministry, Admin
Program Director of HS Youth Theology Institute
Claire Davidson Frederick teaches in the College of Bible and Ministry at Lipscomb University and serves as Program Director for the ENGAGE Youth Theology Initiative, a public theology and racial justice institute for high school students.
She spent 15 years in the Nashville music industry as a published singer/songwriter before going into ministry full time. Claire earned her Bachelor of Arts in German from Rutgers University, a Master of Divinity from the Hazelip School of Theology at Lipscomb University, and a Doctor of Ministry degree with honors from McCormick Theological Seminary. Her doctoral project, entitled “Gathered with the Saints: Reimagining Worship in the Age of Coronavirus,” won the John Randall Hunt Prize for Outstanding D.Min. Thesis in 2021. She teaches Bible courses to undergraduates on campus, in the Global Learning program, and at the Debra K. Johnson Rehabilitation Center as part of the Lipscomb LIFE Program.
With over 20 years of experience in professional and lay ministry, Claire co-planted All Saints Church of Christ in 2016, where she currently serves as liturgist and worship minister. She speaks and preaches frequently at various colleges and lectureships, and her writings are featured in LEAVEN: Journal of Christian Ministry; Finding Their Voices: Sermons by Women in the Churches of Christ (ACU Press, 2015); and Women Serving God (John Mark Hicks, 2020).
She and her husband Kyle, live in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, together with their daughter Edie.